Tuesday, October 9, 2012

25 years coming up,..wow..

looking a little ahead,. 2013 marks my 25th year in business.
The same place with the same people working there,." ME "
wow,. it seems like almost yesterday,.. 
 I grabbed my tool box,. 300.00 buck and kissed New Jersey good buy.. 
I was looking to start a new life for my self,..
I guess I did just that...   
I've never had an open house or garage party,.
 but I'm thinking,... this just may warrant some celebration.
stay tuned.



  1. Congrats Robert, what a milestone! Ya gotta have a party man, I just wish I could be there to help celebrate!!

    1. Thank Cole,..who knows,. maybe it will workout to when your over here,. it would be great,.!!!! keep you posted,.!!

  2. I might have to make the trip for that one!
